Our Story
We Think Differently
“To whom much is given, much will be required.” Luke 12:14
Trinity Project was developed by Michael Cutone, a veteran law enforcement officer, who was motivated by the desire to make a difference in communities engulfed in senseless violence, crime and an out-of-control opioid epidemic.
He saw that the traditional law enforcement approach of reactionary arrest and prosecution was ineffective. Mike combined his decades of overseas experience teaching foreign partners, self-reliance, leadership, innovation, community engagement, problem solving and merged them into his law enforcement career, developing the dynamic and internationally-recognized C3 Policing program.
C3 Policing began as one Trooper with a passion and a plan: face-to-face and door-to-door, persistently engaging the community, listening to their issues and delivering on his promise to help with any problem, large or small. An outsider in the community of Springfield, Massachusetts, he won trust through developing a grassroots program that moved an entire community to empowerment and restored hope. The 10-year program has been credited with a 45% decrease in reported criminal activity over five years and developed trust between residents and law enforcement.
Trinity Project is dedicated to delivering training and advice in the areas of C3 Policing, leadership, planning, decision making and design methodology to help transform law enforcement and community organizations alike.
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We excel in the human domain.
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We excel at the human domain.
Our Mission
Trinity Project is a consulting and training organization that aims to revolutionize policing at the patrol, supervisor and executive level. We view space and the operational environment in a new way through C3 Policing. Our focus is on human development as the primary component of our solutions, which will continue to succeed after technological solutions become outdated.
Trinity Project’s proprietary methods are thirty years of proven real world operational experiences, planning, overseas deployments, design thinking, analysis and deliberate decision making. We produce results based on proven leadership, knowledge and experience that has been tested in adversity.
Our training and experience in unconventional thought and applied practice in problem solving brings a distinct perspective to any situation, especially where conventional thinking and solutions have failed. Empowering efforts to address the complex problems that law enforcement and communities are facing in the 21st century. We are meeting these challenges, by building genuine trust with community members, creating healthier and safer communities.
C3 Policing combines unconventional approaches and proven leadership in its proprietary and comprehensive program. The results-oriented approach helps shape the environment to permanently reduce criminality and also build legitimacy between law enforcement and the community it serves.
Leadership Team
Michael Cutone - CEO & Founder
Michael is a 20-year veteran in law enforcement. He created, implemented and led a successful anti-gang model called Counter Criminal Continuum Policing featured in 60 Minutes, New York Times, and Police Chief Magazine. Deployed to Afghanistan between 2013-14, he served as First Sergeant with Commando Special Operations Advisor Group (SOAG) at Camp Morehead.
Advisory Board
Strategic & Foreign Affairs
BG Joseph S. Stringham, USA, (Ret)
Joseph S. Stringham is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, Class of 1961. Upon graduation he received a BS degree in Engineering and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
In his more than 32 years of military service, Stringham commanded at every echelon from rifle platoon through brigade. This included command of the 75th Ranger Regiment; three US Army Infantry Battalions, including the 1st Ranger Battalion; and the US Military Group in El Salvador at a pivotal point in the war in that country.
Kevin ‘Kit’ Parker, Ph.D. Applied Physics
Kevin ‘Kit’ Parker is the Tarr Family Professor of Bioengineering and Applied Physics in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. He received his B.S. from Boston University in Biomedical Engineering and his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Vanderbilt University.
Executive Law Enforcement
John R. Barbieri, Police Chief SPD, (Ret)
John Barbieri is a retired Police Commissioner with Springfield Police Department, Massachusetts. He had 31 years of distinguished service in law enforcement. John graduated from Western New England University in 2006 with a MS and holds a BS from Anna Maria College and an Associates degree from Springfield Technical Community College.
Federal Law Enforcement & Legislative Affairs
Donald J. Mihalek, Executive Vice President, FLEOA Foundation
Donald J. Mihalek is currently a Senior Advisor for Law Enforcement Engagement with Teneo Consulting in New York, a CEO management consulting firm, and an ABC News contributor. Don retired from federal law enforcement after 26.5 years of service as a Senior Special Agent with the US Secret Service. Don served in a variety of investigative and protective assignments including in the New York Field Office during the 9/11/2001 attacks and on the Presidential Protective Detail from 2007-2011.
Analytics & Design Thinking
David C. Ellis, Ph.D. International Relations and Comparative Politics
David C. Ellis is President of Ellis Analytics, Inc., a firm specializing in integrated socio-cultural and geospatial analysis. He holds a doctorate in International Relations and Comparative Politics from the University of Florida, a Master’s degree in International Development with a specialization in International Marketing from The George Washington University, and Bachelor’s degrees in International Studies and Spanish from Jacksonville University.
Organizational Change & Leadership
Charles N. Black
Charlie Black is the Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Xundis Global, LLC a niche trans-disciplinary consultancy that helps clients navigate complexity and change.
Community Liaison, Outreach & Partnership
Jose Claudio
Jose Claudio currently serves as Chief Operations Officer for New North Citizens Council. NNCC provides comprehensive bilingual family support services throughout Hampden County, Massachusetts, with a focus on the North End community of Springfield.
Criminal Justice Academic Advisor
Michael Sampson
Michael Sampson is a retired Sergeant with the Massachusetts State Police having over 25 years of honorable service. He has an extensive criminal justice background including but not limited to having earned a Baccalaureate (BS/Westfield State College) and Master’s Degree (MA/Curry College) in Criminal Justice, an Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corps/Reserve (8 years, including a deployment to Saudi Arabia/Desert Shield and Storm), a Child Care Worker with the Department of Youth Services and a Correctional Officer with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department.
Senior Instructor Law Enforcement Policy Advisor
Brian Beliveau
Brian Beliveau is a Captain with a midsize New England metropolitan department where he has served for the last 29 years. During the course of his career he has served in a variety of capacities; Uniform Squad officer, Juvenile Detective, School Resource officer and Community Policing.
COL Christopher P. Costa, USA, (Ret)
Christopher P. Costa served as the Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council (NSC). At the NSC, he was responsible for coordinating counterterrorism policy and strategy as well as U.S. hostage recovery activities. Mr. Costa had 34 years of progressive national security experience and well-documented success in strategy, policy, special operations, counterintelligence, and human intelligence, deploying on multiple contingencies and to combat operations in the Republic of Panama, Afghanistan, and Iraq.